Marriage Family Life Conference 2023

By Marriage Family Life Conference (other events)

Thu, Jul 6 2023 6:00 PM CST Sat, Jul 8 2023 5:00 PM CST

Marriage is the first institution God sanctioned for mankind. Since the beginning, God made it clear His design for marriage is unambiguous. Due to a hardness of heart, man proves time and time again that he thinks his ways is better than God’s ways. Therefore, we have confusion in all areas of life and a propensity to mar the image of God. 

Today in America, we, the people of God, are faced with a challenge to stand firm on what God says concerning this very important institution of marriage. There are questions about what makes up a family. We also see a blatant disregard for life. He as the people are God are called to say what He says on all of these issues. We live for His Glory Alone.

The Bible admonishes us in Colossians 3:23

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

The way we conduct our lives, the way that we uphold our marriages, the way that we raise our children, the way that we think about the issues of the day all that we do has to be for His Glory Alone.

In ignorance and sinful rebellion, mankind says “not so” to God’s Word. Through policies and actions, mankind says that God is a liar and that a person can marry whomever he or she desires to marry, whether it’s a male and a male or a female and a female. Mankind even says that marriage does not have to be between only one man and one woman, but a marriage relationship can be composed of multiple men and women. This does not bring Glory to God.

It is time, now more than ever, for the people of God to stand on God’s Word concerning marriage, family and life. We cannot be passive on this issue as the Enemy seeks to indoctrinate our children to believe the world’s lies about marriage, family, and life.


Is there ever a time when truth is unimportant or irrelevant? Certainly not! As faithful followers of Jesus Christ, Who is truth, we cannot negotiate truth with a hostile culture. But we must also respond to the great needs of our time. The good news is there is a way to do both.


That’s why American Family Association is hosting the 2023 Marriage, Family, Life Conference. The purpose of MFL23 is to equip believers to defend biblical truth and to minister to culture-wearied adults and children (ages 4-17). “For His Glory Alone" is this year's conference theme. We are encouraging the Body of Christ to live, speak and stand firmly on the truth of God's Word “For His Glory Alone. No matter the changes that culture puts forth, God's Word is unchanging and we can find hope in that.

MFL23 is a two-day conference packed with information and encouragement on topics such as:

- Being the Church (For His Glory Alone)

- Standing Strong on God's design for marriage (For His Glory Alone)

- Sexuality (For His Glory Alone)

- The ongoing fight for life in a post Roe culture (For His Glory Alone)


One of the best features of MFL23 is the Youth Apologetics Track for kids ages 4-17. While adults are engaged in information-packed sessions, kids and youth will participate in their own age-appropriate sessions. We believe Christian kids and youth must be equipped in apologetics and have a working understanding of their faith. To that end, we present young attendees with biblically sound sessions that help them feel confident defending their faith. Today’s culture throws a lot at Christian kids, and we want to equip them to stand strong.


When it comes to AFA’s Marriage, Family, Life Conference, family is our middle name. We invite parents to bring their kids with them! Strategic fellowship times are worked into the schedule for parents to discuss sessions with their children.

Register today for MFL 2023 as we encourage one another to for His Glory Alone.

Marriage Family Life Conference